
Every success is based on cooperation. 

Since many years we experience close and trustful relationships with our international cooperation partners.


The highest instance

The PTB (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt) is the National Metrology Institute (NMI) of Germany. As a higher federal agency and part of the ministry of commerce and energy, their duty is to provide scientific/technical services.  

The PTB is the highest instance in all questions regarding correct measurements in Germany. PTB is alongside the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST / USA) and the National Physical Laboratory (NPL / Großbritannien) one of the leading NMIs worldwide.

AC/DC Transfer Standard

By German law, the PTB has the duty to produce, maintain and distribute physical units (SI units). At two locations in Braunschweig and Berlin the PTB has 1.800 employees in addition to  300-500 guest researchers from all countries of this world.

Since 2015 wekomm has a technology partnership with PTB and is working closely together with the laboratory for Direct Current (DC), Voltages and Resistors. Together we are in the process of improving our extreme precise and long term stable resistors even more. 

wekomm is developing and producing special resistors which come very close to the propagated targets like long-term stability, indepence from ambient pressure or humidity. The PTB is verifying those developments directly against the Quantum-Hall-Efect to provide the best possible measurement results. Those results are discussed within the team and influence the development and production of future resistors. 

This collaboration already produced some top notch products, like the 10 kOhm reference resistor and both high load resistors with 1 Ohms and 100 Ohms.

Logo Keysight Technologies

Keysight Technologies

A legend continues to live

Keysight Technologies is a leading US manufacturer of measurement equipment, like oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, signal generators, spectrum analyzer and precision measurement. Keysight is operating since 2014 as an independent entity. Before that time, the devision was named Agilent together with medical devices. Agilent itself was formed from the medical and measurement departments auf Hewlett Packard.

Since 2017 wekomm has worked together with several divisions of Keysight. We produced many new components for series production - even modules, which were regarded as impossible to realize before. 

„Impossible to do“ - challenge accepted. Let the results speak for themselves.

Logo EMM Informationssysteme GmbH

EMM Informationssysteme GmbH

The simple acces to top performance

EMM Informationssysteme GmbH  is a Munich based. well known provider for information technology, data privacy, data security and Microsoft Office 365 Integration. EMM GmbH focuses mainly onto SMUs.

When it comes to information technology, EMM GmbH is the preferred partner for wekomm GmbH

X-PlusTec GmbH

Excitement meets technology

That baseline describes very well the services of X-plusTec GmbH. Hardware development, layout service, software development and manufacturing support are the important fields of work. They offer a broad range of expertise, starting from sensor based application with micro controllers, CPU boards for industrial applications, not ending at high tech products for digital model railroading or night vision devices.

Since many years, X-PlusTec is our trusted partner

Logo X-PlusTec GmbH
Logo Esperta GmbH

Esperta GmbH

The Secure Power Specialist

Innovative solutions to protect your belongings, connected with new energy management systems. These are the products of  esperta. Powered by wekomm.

© wekomm engineering GmbH 2024